Saturday, January 29, 2011

Jumbo MTU on Nexus 1000v – Why and How

I posted earlier about the use of “system mtu” on Nexus 1000v.  The internetworking of virtual switch in a physical topology can still be confusing, and the existence of likely display bugs probably didn’t help with the situation.

So here is my understanding of why and how, hopefully in more simple terms than any documentation I have seen.

First, why enable jumbo MTU on Nexus 1000v? Jumbo support is desirable for applications such as storage, for example your ESX host in a NAS environment. Enabling jumbo on Nexus 1000v is part of the “end-to-end” jumbo configuration, starting from the host. In a typical topology, you will need to configure Nexus 7000, Nexus 5000, and Nexus 1000v since it is the virtual switch that partly resides on the host.  You can refer to more configuration details here.

A diagram is helpful to illustrate the relationship between Nexus 5000 and Nexus 1000v, particularly the confusing port channel relationship.  Note on 5000 VPCs are typically configured (Po101-103). On Nexus 1000v, only system uplink profile is predefined. Port channel are created only when hosts/VEMs are added. Adding host on vCenter triggers the creation of matching port channels (Po5-7) in VSM.

Next, how to enable jumbo MTU on Nexus 1000v?

1.       Set system jumbomtu (set by default)
            You really don’t need to do anything here, because by default it has already been set to maximum
\N1kv# sh run all | inc jumbo
system jumbomtu 9000

2.       Set system mtu
This is really the only configuration required on Nexus1000v. By setting system mtu, we can preserve the physical NIC setting through ESX reboot
port-profile type ethernet systemuplink_portchannel
  system mtu 9000

Lastly, how to verify that jumbo is working?
This is the most confusing part. Depending on your port type (LCAP etc), you may get different display results. In my experience, both “show int port-channel” and “show interface Ethernet” displays MTU 1500 (which is incorrect). This display error is similar to one on Nexus 5000 (CSCsl21529). But on Nexus 1000v there is no jumbo packet count, thus making verification even more difficult.
Nexus-1000v-VSM# sh int po1
port-channel1 is up
  Hardware: Port-Channel, address: 0050.5655.cbe0 (bia 0050.5655.cbe0)
  MTU 1500 bytes, BW 20000000 Kbit, DLY 10 usec,
     reliability 255/255, txload 1/255, rxload 1/255
Nexus-1000v-VSM # sh int e3/5
Ethernet3/5 is up
  Hardware: Ethernet, address: 0050.5655.dbc8 (bia 0050.5655.dbc8)
  MTU 1500 bytes, BW 10000000 Kbit, DLY 10 usec,
     reliability 0/255, txload 0/255, rxload 0/255

To alternative to verify that jumbo is really working on Nexus 1000v, is simply to check upstream switch. For example, on Nexus 5000, check either the corresponding port channel or physical interface. Since Nexus 5000 is receiving (RX) jumbo packets from the host, it is a clear indication of the function of Nexus 1000v uplink profile.

Nexus-5010-a# sh int po101
port-channel101 is up
 vPC Status: Up, vPC number: 101
  Hardware: Port-Channel, address: 0005.9b76.308f (bia 0005.9b76.308f)
  MTU 1500 bytes, BW 10000000 Kbit, DLY 10 usec,
     reliability 255/255, txload 1/255, rxload 1/255
  Encapsulation ARPA
  Port mode is trunk
  full-duplex, 10 Gb/s
  Beacon is turned off
  Input flow-control is off, output flow-control is off
  Switchport monitor is off
  EtherType is 0x8100
  Members in this channel: Eth1/8
  Last clearing of "show interface" counters never
  30 seconds input rate 4344 bits/sec, 543 bytes/sec, 1 packets/sec
  30 seconds output rate 44352 bits/sec, 5544 bytes/sec, 48 packets/sec
  Load-Interval #2: 5 minute (300 seconds)
    input rate 4.50 Kbps, 1 pps; output rate 47.82 Kbps, 47 pps
    11483591 unicast packets  205769 multicast packets  30036 broadcast packets
    11719396 input packets  2923241828 bytes
    274665 jumbo packets  0 storm suppression packets
    0 runts  0 giants  0 CRC  0 no buffer
    0 input error  0 short frame  0 overrun   0 underrun  0 ignored
    0 watchdog  0 bad etype drop  0 bad proto drop  0 if down drop
    0 input with dribble  0 input discard
    0 Rx pause
    134696185 unicast packets  163700959 multicast packets  12680857 broadcast p
    311078001 output packets  240793383992 bytes
    47357469 jumbo packets
    0 output errors  0 collision  0 deferred  0 late collision
    0 lost carrier  0 no carrier  0 babble
    0 Tx pause
  2 interface resets

Nexus 1000v is only a component in the larger picture. Scott Lowe provides a great example here to show how jumbo support is enabled on ESX server and NAS. In particular, testing jumbo from ESX using vmkping command:

vmkping -s 9000


  1. For this command "vmkping -s 9000" you also need to include the option -d (set DF bit on IPv4 packets) or else the packet will be fragmented.

  2. Thanks Tomasz. "-d" turns on DF bit to signal "Do not Fragment". If the ping is successful, then certainly jumbo packets are routed end to end.
    # vmkping -s 9000 -d
